Kevin Kelly Defends Your Property
Protecting Your Property in Tennessee
The police have not just arrested you, embarrassed you, taken you to jail, and made you come out of pocket to post bond, but they also have taken your property, maybe even your car. You can’t believe that this is legal because it feels like they’re stealing from you, and they are taking your stuff even before you’ve been convicted of what they’re charging you with.
If this describes you, time is of the essence, and you need a lawyer to help you get your property back on a completely different timeline than your criminal charge is on. Property seizure pursuant to arrest is a civil matter, and is handled by an entirely different process and personnel, outside of the criminal courts. Kevin has successfully returned vehicles and other property to people in your situation. If you don’t act, law enforcement will claim ownership over your property and auction it off to the highest bidder. Call us today and we will guide you through the process of getting your hard-fought belongings back where they belong.
Meet Kevin Kelly
I love my clients. I see a little bit of myself in all of them. Let’s be honest. We’ve all made mistakes and had to live with the consequences. My job is to make the consequences as minimal as possible.
Defense Basics
Even a little bit of knowledge of the legal system can help you feel more confident as you and your attorney fight for your future. We’ve provided some information to consider as you navigate the justice system.
“In 2014, I was in a desperate situation and needed a great lawyer, fast. I had known Mr. Kelly from handling other cases at the courthouse and decided to reach out. He immediately sprung into action. I was less than three weeks away from a court hearing where I was the defendant on a felony theft conviction from 2008. I was in jeopardy of my probation being violated. When my case was called, Mr. Kelly walked to the podium to address the judge on my behalf and in one sentence he silenced the courtroom. Mr Kelly was able to go back and find a technicality which, in turn, released me from probation. The DA’s own words were, “Your Honor, I don’t have a leg to stand on.” I never had to take the stand. Mr Kelly handled my case with class.”
— Rashel